

George Robson (FN 57-64) writes about ‘Toenail’:

“I have had a number of appreciative messages following my Skivvies article in the last Old St Beghian and I have been given one or two reminders of other skivvies that enlivened Foundation House in the 1960s.

There was little Rose, who a year after my leaving school in 1964 fell under a bus at Distington. Then there was lanky Sally, who was my favourite skivvy until she suddenly resigned. I learnt from matron that she was inconsolable after her husband was killed by falling from a tower at Calder Hall.

But of particular note, apart from Limpy and Clapperteeth, was Toenail. I am sure all those who were on Foundation at this time remember her with great affection.
Mrs Jenny Toman was a small, plump woman, who was rarely seen by the boys except en route to and from the station. This is because although she lived in Whitehaven she preferred to travel to and from St Bees by train. The other skivvies travelled together by bus.

The other reason she was rarely seen on the House is because her duties were probably the most menial (although essential) of all. She washed dishes, peeled potatoes, cleaned the sinks out, opened cans and suchlike in the bowels of Foundation’s kitchens.

I was once told by matron (Sheila Appleyard) that Mrs Toman was ‘the joker’ in the kitchens and was never short of jokes or far-fetched stories.

Mrs Jenny Toman
Mrs Jenny Toman - 'Toenail'
The photograph shows Mrs Toman awaiting the train to return her to Whitehaven. It is taken with permission from the film of the school (hence the reduced quality) made in 1964 by the father of Richard Taylor (FS 58-64).

So she was well likedby her fellow domestic staff and she was well liked by the boys.

Her nickname, of course, wasn’t too much of a departure from her real name, so for Toman read Toenail.

I am still hopeful that my little pieces may persuade other Old St Beghians to contribute their memories of the skivvies.”
(Please do – Ed)



The St Beghian Society,    St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS.
Tel: (01946) 828093     